Read these 21 Diet Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Bird tips and hundreds of other topics.
Avocado and chocolate are toxic to birds. NEVER allow your bird these foods.
Seed moths are small harmless insects that may fly up out of your bird's seed supply. Try storing seeds in the freezer to cut down on this annoyance.
Offer your bird a special birdy sandwich. Spread peanut butter on whole wheat bread and sprinkle it with raisins. Watch your bird dig in!
Finches and canaries should be offered apple slices, split grapes, citrus fruits and melon along with their regular seed diet. Watch them dig in!
Birds should not be given a seed-only diet. They need fresh fruits and vegetables, a good quality seed mix, lots of fresh water and even some people foods. By not providing a good all-around diet you could be shortening your bird's life span.
Always offer plenty of fresh, clean water. If your bird tends to dunk his food in the water cups or likes to bathe in his drinking water, you will need to refresh the water supply often.
Offer such foods as corn on the cob or apple in small pieces. Some birds might be afraid of a full-size ear of corn or a whole apple. On the other hand, some birds will love the larger servings! See what your bird is comfortable with.
Dry corn flakes or rice puffs are a fun treat. Offer your bird some next time you have cereal. No milk for the birds, though! Their systems won't process it well.
‘People food' can be offered if it's not fatty or greasy, too sugary or fried. Some favorites are oatmeal, pizza, rice, pasta, plain pancakes, cheese, or even an occasional well-drained french fry.
Conures need lots of vitamin K. Broccoli is high in vitamin K and should be offered several times a week.
Fresh fruits and some vegetables may cause loose droppings. This is normal.
Cooked peas and beans are great for pet birds. Blanch the peas or beans and don't season them with lots of salt or fat. Make sure the foods are cool before giving them to the birds.
Grated carrots are fun for cockatiels. Watch them get it all over their faces! (It won't leave a permanent orange stain.)
Corn on the cob is fun for parrots! Even small birds like parakeets and cockatiels will enjoy pecking the kernels off the cob.
Cooked rice or pasta is a great treat for birds! Offer plain rice or noodles--birds also love a bit of spaghetti sauce on their pasta. Just make sure not to give them any fatty sauces or anything greasy.
Toucans do NOT eat cereal! They require fresh fruits such as grapes, a good quality food made especially for them, and even pinky mice.
Whole wheat bread is a wholesome food for pet birds. Most species will appreciate a slice to nibble on from time to time.